You can use a dictionary for self-spell checking, but if you misspelled a word, you probably didn't know how to spell it from the very beginning, and therefore wouldn't know if you spelled it correctly. If you are wondering how to spell a word, our free online spell checker is for you. Like online dictionaries, spell checking on the Internet allows users to enter words, sentences, paragraphs into text fields, checking spelling not only in English but also in other languages. This means that words that are spelled correctly can also be marked as misspelled, especially brand names, specialized industry or scientific terms, as well as words in another language. If a word isn`t in its dictionary, the word is marked misspelled with a different color. Spell check runs grammar, too: If Microsoft Word is on your computer, and it has the grammar checker for your target language, memoQ will show grammar problems in the same window - unless you turn it off in the Options window (Spelling and Grammar pane, Grammar tab). I have used every tool on this list and am currently in the top 1 of Grammarly users with over 7 million words checked and counting. If a suggestion is correct, simply select it to replace the word. When Word indicates a word in a document may be misspelled or incorrect, with a squiggle under it, you can right-click the word to see suggestions. So there are no good reasons not to spend an extra minute and check your text with our free spell checker. A grammar tool can help you correct spelling mistakes, improve your grammar, and write sentences that are easy to read. A useful feature when checking spelling and grammar is Words AutoCorrect feature. Click on underlined words to get a list of proper wording alternatives. Having even small grammatical errors can affect how readers feel about an article and about the author and can easily ruin the impression. Enter the text that you want to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes then click the grey button below. Grammar check is a must-have for non-native speakers who need to write letters, reviews, or participate in business correspondence.

Just copy and paste your text into our spell checker and we will help you fix your spelling! The spell checker compares each word you enter with its dictionary or database of words.