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In 2014, the DoS attack celebrated cel ebrated its 40th birthday. DDoS dictionary to help communicate about and address threats threats Throughout the handbook, you’ll also encounter some key ndings Radware’ss 2014-2015 Global Application & and analysis from Radware’ Network Security Report-one of the industry’s leading pieces of research into DDoS and other cyber-attacks.Detailed vendor evaluation checklist for DDoS and cyber-attack cyber-attack detection and mitigation.Actionable tools and tips for attack detection and mitigation.Brief discussion of the ongoing evolution of enterprise security.Overview of major attack types and tools.Brief history of DDoS attacks plus a roundup of recent cyber-attacks.While cyber-threats cyber-threats are by nature a moving target, this primer prime r oers an overview to help detect and mitigate attacks. These attacks reect hackers’ frustratingly high levels of tenacity and creativity-and create complex and dynamic challenges for anyone responsible for cyber security. Since the rst denial of service (DoS) was launched in 1974, distributed denial of service (DDoS) and other DoS attacks have remained among the most persistent and damaging cyber-attacks.


31Ĭhecklist: How to Evaluate a Vendor for DDoS & Cyber Cyber-Attack -Attack Mitigation. 29ĭDoS Mitigation Consideration Considerationss.

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What Lies Ahead: Predictions for 2015 and Beyond.29. Recent History: Notable Cyber Cyber-Attacks -Attacks of 2014. All other trademarks and names are the property of their respective owners. Radware and all other Radware product and service names are registered registered trademarks of Radware Radware in the U.S. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT

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